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Private limited company registration is governed by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies Incorporation Rules, 2014. Private Limited Companies are those companies which are privately held by the people. The liability of the members of a Private Limited Company is limited to the amount of shares respectively held by them. Private Limited Company has ‘perpetual succession’, meaning uninterrupted existence until it is legally dissolved.

Separate Legal Entity
Private Limited Company is a legal entity and a juristic person established under the Companies Act. The members (Shareholders/Directors) of a company have no personal liability to the creditors of a company for company’s debts.

Uninterrupted Existence
Private Limited Company has ‘perpetual succession’, meaning uninterrupted existence until it is legally dissolved. A company being a separate legal person, is unaffected by the death or other departure of any member and continues to be in existence irrespective of the changes in ownership.

Easy Transferability
Ownership of a business can be easily transferred in a company by transferring shares.

Minimum Share Capital
For a private company, the earlier minimum number of share capital was Rs. 1,00,000, but now there is no such minimum compulsion. Therefore there is no pressure of fund requirements.

Minimum Number of Shareholders
For a private company, a minimum number of required shareholders is 2.


Registration involves following steps :

Submit the Required Information:

Wait for our Professional expert to contact you for discussion.

We would be giving you a call at your specified mobile number. If you don’t get a call back with in an hour, you may reach us at – +91-8788160278

In the meanwhile, keep the following documents/ Information ready –
Documents Required :
1. Identity and Address Proof-
Identity and address proof will be required for all directors and shareholders of the company to be incorporated.

* In case of Indian nationals, PAN is mandatory. For foreign nationals, apostilled or notarised copy of passport must be submitted mandatorily.

* At least one director should be an Indian Resident
2. Scanned passport-sized photograph of all directors and shareholders.

3. Registered office address-
“All companies must have a registered office in India. Documents required-
1. Latest Electricity bill or Property Tax receipt
2. Sale Agreement, if owned or Rent Agreement, if rented
3. Scanned copy of No-objection Certificate from property owner”


Make payments as per discussion.

Our Bank Account Details are –
Account No – 1712068753
IFSC – KKBK0000726
Kotak Mahindra Bank – Aundh, Pune Branch

Package Starts from:
Rs. 10,999 /-
2 DSC and 2 DIN
Name approval Application
Stamp duty on INR 1Lakh Authorized capital

Incorporation Certificate

Once all discussions are over and payments are done, just relax and wait for your incorporation certificate.

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